Gateway Manuals

A comprehensive set of manuals for the various Gateway Apps is available for download.   Each Gateway product has a different set of manuals.  That is, there is a set of manuals for Gateway on the Tobii Dynavox Snap App, for Assistiveware's Proloquo2Go and for Saltillo's TouchChat HD.  Since there are minor differences across these app platforms, it is important to download the manual(s) to the Gateway augmentative communication App version that you have purchased.  

The Introductory Manual provides an overview of the Gateway philosophy and a description of the page sets or vocabularies included in the product. It also includes intervention strategies that can be used to introduce Gateway to a new user or to help transition a user to Gateway from a different vocabulary set (e.g., InterAACT, Word Power, Speak for Yourself and the like).

In addition, a comprehensive set of manuals have been produced for each individual Page Sets and/or User Vocabularies (e.g., Developing Language, Advanced Communicator) .  These manuals provide more details about the features used within the app as well as strategies for customizing and for facilitating use of the Gateway within functional contexts.

Gateway for Proloqu2Go by Assistiveware

     Introductory Manual

     Child Functional

     Teen/Adult Functional

     Developing Language

     Advanced Communication

Gateway for Snap by Tobii Dynavox

     Introductory Manual

     Child Functional

     Teen/Adult Functional

     Child Language and Literacy

     Advanced Communication/Text

     Gateway Pro and Scan Pro

Gateway for TouchChat by Assistiveware

     Introductory Manual

     Child 12

     Child 20

     Child 40

     Child 66

     Teen 20

     Teen 40
